看到sohu网站报道,孟加拉的一家公司 The Grey Group 发明了一台史无前例的生态空调! 确实太简单了,就是找一大堆塑料瓶子(比如装可乐的),把两头减掉, 大头朝外,小头朝里,搞那么一批,据说就可以把屋里温度降低5度。 我看了觉得有一些疑点,当然人家没说面积,我们假定面积和瓶子数量有一个 ...
swap three corner cubies "Hold the Rubik's Cube in this way: F(front) side facing you;" "U(up) side facing upwards; R(right) side facing to the right;" "B(back) side facing away from you; L(left) side facing to the left;" "D(down) side facing downwards." "The notations of describing the movem ...