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热度 7已有 2552 次阅读2015-11-19 11:46 |个人分类:辩论争鸣|系统分类:学术打假| 专利, 伦理, 论文










张文与谢文除了研究的对象有重复,但观察的是完全不同的方面,怎样也不能看成是张抢了谢的发现。况且,“Xie says that in April, he submitted a Chinese patent application that includes the use of magnetogenetics and the protein’s magnetic capacity to manipulate large molecules”。因此,如果谢的发现是对的,他的早在20154月就提交的专利申请就已经给他的发现奠定了优先权。




Nature20151118_Long-sought biological compass discovered

Long-sought biological compass discovered

Protein complex offers explanation for how animals sense Earth's magnetic pull.

·         David Cyranoski

16 November 2015



In the cells of fruit flies, Chinese scientists say that they have found a biological compass needle: a rod-shaped complex of proteins that can align with Earth’s weak magnetic field.

The biocompass — whose constituent proteins exist in related forms in other species, including humans — could explain a long-standing puzzle: how animals such as birds and insects sense magnetism. It might also become an invaluable tool for using magnetic fields to control cells, report researchers led by biophysicist Xie Can at Peking University in Beijing, in a paper published on 16 November in Nature Materials (S. Qin et al. Nature Mater., 2015).

“It’s an extraordinary paper,” says Peter Hore, a biochemist at the University of Oxford, UK. But Xie’s team has not shown that the complex actually behaves as a biocompass inside living cells, nor explained exactly how it senses magnetism. “It’s either a very important paper or totally wrong. I strongly suspect the latter,” says David Keays, a neuroscientist who studies magnetoreception at the Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna.

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Many organisms — ranging from whales to butterflies, and termites to pigeons — use Earth’s magnetic field to navigate or orient themselves in space. But the molecular mechanism behind this ability, termed magneto-reception, is unclear.

Some researchers have pointed to magnetically sensitive proteins called ‘cryptochromes’, or ‘Cry’. Fruit flies lacking the proteins lose their sensitivity to magnetic fields, for example. But the Cry proteins alone cannot act as a compass, says Xie, because they cannot sense the polarity (north–south orientation) of magnetic fields.

Others have suggested that iron-based minerals might be responsible. Magnetite, a form of iron oxide, has been found in the beak cells of homing pigeons. Yet studies suggest that magnetite plays no part in pigeon magnetoreception.

Xie says that he has found a protein in fruit flies that both binds to iron and interacts with Cry. Known as CG8198, it binds iron and sulfur atoms and is involved in fruit-fly circadian rhythms. Together with Cry, it forms a nanoscale ‘needle’: a rod-like core of CG8198 polymers with an outer layer of Cry proteins that twists around the core (see 'Protein biocompass').


Credit: S. Qin et al. Nature Mater. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmat4484 (2015).

Using an electron microscope, Xie’s team saw assemblies of these rods orienting themselves in a weak magnetic field in the same way as compass needles. Xie gave CG8198 the new name of MagR, for magnetic receptor.

The discovery offers scientists the prospect of using magnetic fields to control cells. Over the past decade, scientists have commandeered the light-sensing capacity of some proteins to manipulate neurons, usually by inserting a fibre-optic cable directly into the brain — a tool called optogenetics. But magnetosensing proteins have the advantage that they could be manipulated by magnetic fields outside the brain.

Zhang Sheng-jia, a neuroscientist at Tsinghua University in Beijing, claims to have already demonstrated this ‘magnetogenetic’ capability. In September, he provided a surprise preview of Xie’s work when he published a paper reporting use of the biocompass to manipulate neurons in worms (X. Long et al. Sci. Bull. http://doi.org/883; 2015). Xie and others complained that Zhang’s early publication violated a collaboration agreement between the two researchers — the details of which are disputed — and asked for it to be retracted. In October, Zhang was fired from his university, a decision that he is contesting.

Xie says that in April, he submitted a Chinese patent application that includes the use of magnetogenetics and the protein’s magnetic capacity to manipulate large molecules. He is also starting to look at the structure of MagR proteins in other animals, including humans. Variants in the human version of MagR might even relate to differences in people’s sense of direction, he suggests.

Sceptical voices

Other scientists are not convinced that the biological needles function like compasses in living organisms. Xie’s team has shown that MagR and Cry are produced in the same cells in pigeon retinas — the birds’ proposed magnetoreception centre — but MagR and Cry are found in many cells, says Keays. “With such a small amount of iron, one has to ask whether in vivo, at physiological temperatures, MagR is capable of possessing magnetic properties at all,” he says. “If MagR is the real magnetoreceptor, I’ll eat my hat.”

“If MagR is the real magneto­receptor, I’ll eat my hat.”

Xie  hopes that others will strengthen his case with further experiments, such as inactivating the gene for MagR in certain fruit-fly tissues to see whether it affects the animals’ sense of direction. He published without doing this work, he says, because he just wanted to report the findings, which he has been working on for six years.

The lack of an exact mechanism for how the protein complex senses magnetism, or how any signal it sends might be processed by the brain, gives some researchers pause. MagR’s biocompass activity might simply be the result of experimental contamination, says Michael Winklhofer, a magnetism specialist and Earth scientist at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany. He is planning experiments to follow up on Xie’s team’s findings. If it holds up, says Winklhofer, then the discovery of MagR “appears to be a major step forward towards unravelling the molecular basis of magnetoreception”.







(19 November 2015)



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Related stories and links From nature.com ·         Neuroscientist fired after dispute over magnetic-protein research

05 November 2015

·         Chinese scientists row over long-sought protein that senses magnetism

21 September 2015

·         Electronics' noise disorients migratory birds

07 May 2014

·         Pigeons may ‘hear’ magnetic fields

26 April 2012

From elsewhere ·         Xie Can



“论文抢发事件”当事人谢灿论文正式发表于NM,活体生物鉴定“指南针”不是张生家吗? ...



2015-11-17 17:01:22来源: 财新网作者:崔筝 张嫣责任编辑:宫靖

20151117 17:01 来源于 财新网



【财新网】(记者 崔筝   张嫣)20151117日,《自然》出版集团旗下的《自然-材料》期刊在线发表一篇中国科学家团队的论文“生物指南针般的磁感应蛋白质”(AMagnetic Protein Biocompass)。这篇论文报告了一个推定能在磁场中依照磁场定向的蛋白质,这种蛋白质有可能揭开一些动物感知磁场能力之谜,并有可能在利用磁场调控生物过程方面有广阔的应用前景。



  这份通篇充满着生物学术语的专业论文,不仅为学术界瞩目,同时也由于两个月前的“抢发论文”事件,成为热门话题(详见《张生家遭清华解聘 与谢灿互辩论文“抢发”》)。


  发现磁感蛋白 (其本质就是铁硫蛋白)







































  例如,牛津大学化学家彼得·霍尔(Peter Hore)认为,谢灿团队的论文很优秀,但其中并没有展示这种蛋白质在活体细胞中作为生物指南针的表现(博注:张生家做了活体实验),也并没有解释其感应磁性的机理。


  “如果MagR真的是磁感应器,我就把我的帽子吃了。”在《自然》网站刊出的新闻报道中,维也纳细胞病理学院的神经学家大卫·基斯(David Keays)语出惊人。他认为,这篇论文“要么非常重要,要么完全错误”,并且,出错的可能性更大。






  据《自然》报道,德国慕尼黑大学的磁力学专家麦克·温克霍夫(Michael Winklhofer)正在准备进行试验验证谢灿团队的发现。他猜测,MagR生物指南针性能可能只是试验污染造成的,但一旦实验结果被证实,那么这个发现将是在分子基础揭开动物磁感应之谜的重要一步。■










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回复 刘学武 2015-11-19 18:53


回复 Jingangyuxiang 2015-11-20 06:52
回复 tianshiaimeili 2015-11-20 21:22
From Nature News“Xie says that this idea is obvious, and that he included it in a patent he applied for last year.”
回复 姚小鸥 2015-11-21 15:25
回复 laserdai 2015-11-21 18:41


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