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热度 4已有 1236 次阅读2015-12-1 19:40 |个人分类:科学求真|系统分类:科政评论| 中国大陆, 中国文化, 知识产权, 同学聚会, 大学毕业



昨晚看到科学网下面一篇报道《研究证实:影响蛋白通路砒霜可抗肿瘤》,见到“老熟人” 陈竺是这篇在线发表于美国《国家科学院院刊》(PNAS论文的通讯作者。回想起2013年回中国大陆参加大学毕业30年同学聚会,利用非常紧的时间(来回只有一周)在北京、武汉、上海三地进行“报效祖国系列演讲”,在北京的讲座结束后直接去陈竺那与他一起吃工作午餐,谈中国科学大事,到上海的讲座则是在陈赛娟的实验室进行,讲座中还重点论述了糖酵解增强对癌细胞超强生长繁殖的贡献并由此是抗癌药的重要靶点。并指出iPS细胞就是人造癌细胞,可以当作活靶子来筛选抗癌药(此发明已通国美国专利局严格审查,即将授权给与知识产权保护)。








作者:黄辛 来源:中国科学报 发布时间:2015/12/1 9:20:23









《中国科学报》 (2015-12-01 1版 要闻)




Systematic identification of arsenic-binding proteins reveals that hexokinase-2 is inhibited by arsenic

1.       Hai-nan Zhanga,b,c,1, 

2.       Lina Yanga,1, 

3.       Jian-ya Lingd,1, 

4.       Daniel M. Czajkowskyc, 

5.       Jing-Fang Wanga,

6.       Xiao-Wei Zhange, 

7.       Yi-Ming Zhouf, 

8.       Feng Geg, 

9.       Ming-kun Yangg, 

10.   Qian Xiongg, 

11.   Shu-Juan Guoa,

12.   Huang-Ying Lea, 

13.   Song-Fang Wua, 

14.   Wei Yana, 

15.   Bingya Liuh, 

16.   Heng Zhui,j, 

17.   Zhu Chena,e,k,2, and

18.   Sheng-ce Taoa,b,c,k,2

Author Affiliations

1.        Contributed by Zhu Chen, October 31, 2015 (sent for review September 16, 2015; reviewed by Jun O. Liu and Michael P. Snyder)

1.    Abstract

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7.       PDF + SI


Arsenic holds promise for treating a wide range of tumors. To understand arsenic's antitumor mechanism further, we identified 360 arsenic-binding proteins using a human proteome microarray and found proteins of glycolysis to be highly enriched. In-depth in vitro and in vivo analysis revealed that glycolysis in general and the rate-limiting enzyme hexokinase-2 of the glycolytic pathway in particular play a key role in mediating the anticancer activity of arsenic. These findings shed light on the mode of action of arsenic, and the newly identified arsenic-binding proteins may serve as a rich resource for future studies.


Arsenic is highly effective for treating acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) and has shown significant promise against many other tumors. However, although its mechanistic effects in APL are established, its broader anticancer mode of action is not understood. In this study, using a human proteome microarray, we identified 360 proteins that specifically bind arsenic. Among the most highly enriched proteins in this set are those in the glycolysis pathway, including the rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysis, hexokinase-1. Detailed biochemical and metabolomics analyses of the highly homologous hexokinase-2 (HK2), which is overexpressed in many cancers, revealed significant inhibition by arsenic. Furthermore, overexpression of HK2 rescued cells from arsenic-induced apoptosis. Our results thus strongly implicate glycolysis, and HK2 in particular, as a key target of arsenic. Moreover, the arsenic-binding proteins identified in this work are expected to serve as a valuable resource for the development of synergistic antitumor therapeutic strategies.

·         arsenic trioxide


·         human proteome microarray


·         glycolysis


·         hexokinase-2I


·         1H.-n.Z., L.Y., and J.-y.L. contributed equally to this work.

·         2To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] or [email protected].

·         Author contributions: Z.C. and S.-c.T. designed research; H.-n.Z., L.Y., J.-y.L., J.-F.W., X.-W.Z., F.G., M.-k.Y., Q.X., S.-J.G., H.-Y.L., S.-F.W., W.Y., and S.-c.T. performed research; X.-W.Z., Y.-M.Z., F.G., M.-k.Y., Q.X., H.-Y.L., S.-F.W., W.Y., B.L., and H.Z. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; H.-n.Z., L.Y., J.-y.L., D.M.C., J.-F.W., Y.-M.Z., F.G., S.-J.G., B.L., H.Z., Z.C., and S.-c.T. analyzed data; and D.M.C., Z.C., and S.-c.T. wrote the paper.

·         Reviewers: J.O.L., John Hopkins School of Medicine; and M.P.S., Stanford University.

·         The authors declare no conflict of interest.

·         This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1521316112/-/DCSupplemental.




SJTU Researchers Revealed the Anti-Cancer Mechanism of As2O3

November 25, 2015      Author: Tao Shengce

Researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University have confirmed that As2O3 can obviously restrain the activity of HK2: hexokinase-20 in tumor cells so as to influence the cell metabolism, resulting in apoptosis of tumor cells. This research achievement has been published on PNAS on November 23.


With concerted efforts of several generations of scientists, As2O3 has made an obvious success on the treatment of APL, the target spot and molecular mechanism of the drug have been illuminated. Except for APL, plenty of existing researches has proved that As2O3 has great potentiality in treating various malignancies, but relevant mechanism is not clear yet. As2O3 may play various roles in cells, so with High-Throughput Technology, it would be an effective strategy if the mechanism can be revealed at the system level.

This research is supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Plan) and natural science funds. Dr. Zhang Hainan, Dr. Yang Lina from School of System Biomedicine, SJTU and Professor Ling Jianya fromShandong University are all the first authors of this paper. Tao Shengce, a researcher from School of System Biomedicine, SJTU, and Chen Zhu, an academician from Ruijin Hospital, are corresponding authors of this article. Tao's primary domain of research is the exploitation and application of protein chip and a technology platform for series of protein chips has been established and applied to systematic study of relevant major scientific problems in medicine and clinical medicine.





Translated by Li Ying         Reviewed by Wang Bingyu








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