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猴年第一消息:卡罗林斯卡研究院的外科医生Paolo Macchiarini因气管再造研究中的问题而被调查,而这一调查竟然导致同单位的在诺贝尔奖大会任秘书长的Urban Lendahl辞职。
Nobel Prize official resigns in wake of Macchiarini case
The secretary general of the Nobel Assembly, the body responsible for choosing the Nobel Prizes, has resigned from his post because “he may be involved” in the Karolinska Institutet investigation of trachea surgeon Paolo Macchiarini.
Urban Lendahl, professor of genetics at the Karolinska, has also resigned as secretary general of the Nobel Committee in Physiology or Medicine. Here’s a statement released yesterday by the Nobel Assembly:
Today, Professor Urban Lendahl has announced that he resigns effective immediately and at his own request, from his position as Secretary General of the Nobel Assembly and the Nobel Committee in Physiology or Medicine at Karolinska Institutet. The Board of Karolinska Institutet has initiated an external investigation concerning the Macchiarini case. As Professor Lendahl anticipates that he may be involved in this investigation, he resigns from his position as Secretary General out of respect for the integrity of the Nobel Prize work. Any questions should be addressed to the Chairman of the Nobel Assembly, Professor Rune Toftgård, or the Chairman of the Nobel Committee, Professor Thomas Perlmann.
The Nobel Assembly is independent of the Karolinska Institutet and consists of 50 elected Professors from the Karolinska Institutet.
The Karolinska announced Friday that it was ordering a new external investigation of the case, prompted by new revelations in the media. A previous inquiry concluded that Macchiarini, whose contract at the Karolinska has not been renewed, acted in some cases “without due care,” but that his behavior “does not qualify as scientific misconduct.”
Lendahl advocated for Macchiarini’s hire by the Karolinska, according to Svenska Dagbladet, although the Nobel Assembly was not involved in the appointment, Nobel General Assembly chair Rune Toftgård told the newspaper.
Lendahl has been a member of the Nobel General Assembly since 2000, and was elected secretary general in late 2014. In an interview with Elsevier, one of whose journals Lendahl edits, he explained what the secretary general does:
On January 1, 2015, I started as the new Secretary-General for the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. The role of the Secretary-General is to see to that the process of selecting the Nobel Laureates runs smoothly and that the Nobel Assembly and Committee get all the necessary material and support so they can conduct their work.
The Nobel Assembly “has 50 voting members and is composed of professors in medical subjects at Karolinska Institutet,” according to the official website of the Nobels.
Karolinska orders new investigation of trachea surgeon Macchiarini
The Karolinska Institutet University Board announced today it was issuing a new external investigation of trachea surgeon Paolo Macchiarini, looking into questions about his recruitment and the handling of previous allegations of misconduct.
According to a press release:
The University Board deems such an inquiry to be an important part of restoring the confidence of the public, the scientific community, staff and students in the university.
The board hopes to appoint the investigative team, which will not consider “matters of a medical-scientific nature,” next week. The goal is to conclude the investigation by the summer.
There were many signs this was coming: Last week, KI announced it may reopen its previous misconduct inquiry, after a series of recent documentaries aired in Sweden raised a number of new allegations, such as suggesting Macchiarini operated on patients in Russia whose conditions were not life-threatening enough to warrant such a risky procedure.
During the previous inquiry, an external review concluded that Macchiarini had committed misconduct in seven papers; ultimately, KI’s vice-chancellor, Anders Hamsten, concluded that Macchiarini acted in some cases “without due care,” but that his behavior “does not qualify as scientific misconduct.”
Yesterday, Karolinska announced it would not extend Macchiarini’s current one-year research contract.
Macchiarini is world-renowned for performing a breakthrough surgery, creating tracheas from cadavers and patients’ own stem cells. However, some Karolinska surgeons eventually filed a complaint — alleging, for instance, Macchiarini had downplayed the risks of the procedure and not obtained proper consent.
Today’s release included some details about the nature of the investigation:
The investigation will be led by a highly experienced lawyer, who will subsequently be writing the final report. Well-qualified medical researchers, ideally not from Sweden, should assist in this work. The person tasked with leading the work will decide on who is to take part in the investigation and on what resources will be needed to bring the inquiry to a satisfactory conclusion. KI’s internal audit office, which answers direct to the University Board, will also be a resource available to the investigation.
It included the specific questions that will be considered:
The investigation will cover that which falls within the University Board’s sphere of responsibility, and will thus not be examining matters of a medical-scientific nature. Issues that that external investigation should consider are:
-Was any law broken or other formal transgression committed on Macchiarini’s recruitment or later during his period of employment at KI?
-Were adequate inquiries made in connection with his recruitment?
-Was sufficient effort made at a departmental and university management level to ensure that Macchiarini’s activities were conducted in a proper scientific manner with due respect to research ethics?
-Has his research been documented in a manner consistent with the rules and praxis in effect at KI?
-Has the division of responsibility between KI and Karolinska University Hospital been sufficiently clear, and has their collaboration been adequate from a research and clinical perspective?
-Has the chain of responsibility from department to Vice-Chancellor and the University Board been sufficiently effective?
-Was anything – or enough – done to ensure that Macchiarini’s extramural activities complied with KI’s scientific and ethical requirements?
-Were the allegations of scientific misconduct levelled against Macchiarini handled correctly?
-Why was Macchiarini’s employment contract extended in 2015 in spite of the obvious doubts there were about his activities?
The release concluded by reaffirming the board’s support for Vice Chancellor Anders Hamsten, who has been under pressure following the earlier decision:
The University Board has full confidence in Vice Chancellor Anders Hamsten and has urged him to remain in office during the investigation. Whether the outcome of the investigation will lead the board to change its stance in this respect is not a matter for speculation at present.
Hamsten said he appreciated the support:
I intend to continue as vice-chancellor of Karolinska Institutet with full force and energy, and to execute my responsibility in this situation in the best possible way….The decisions taken by the board are fully in line with what I myself believe must be done now.
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Misconduct found in 7 papers by Macchiarini, says English write-up of investigation
The Karolinska Institutet in Sweden has released an English translation of an external review that found Paolo Macchiarini, a celebrated surgeon who is credited with creating tracheas from cadavers and patients’ own stem cells, committed misconduct in a series of papers describing the work.
You can read the entire report, news of which was first reported by Science, here. The investigator, Bengt Gerdin, of Uppsala University, considered a series of allegations about Macchiarini’s papers, and found a number of them lived up to the verdict of misconduct. There were seven affected papers, not six, as was reported last week based on the initial findings (reported in Swedish).
For instance, in a 2014 Nature Communications paper describing the procedure in rats, Gerdin found that the scientists erred when none of the listed authors could assume responsibility for a CT image showing rats with “a smooth and patent oesophagus” (the researcher who took it asked to be left off the author list when he disagreed with how it was being interpreted), among other issues:
…the principally most outstanding fault is that the authors have decided to present research results for which none of them can take responsibility. This is inconsistent with accepted research practice and therefore qualifies as misconduct, and the lead author (or in Nature Communication’s words “corresponding author”) bears the blame for this. The paper also contains a number of other weaknesses/faults in the presentation of the animal experiments that had been conducted. These experiments are presented so vaguely that it is surprising that a journal of Nature Communication’s calibre accepted the paper without demanding extensive clarifications, which should have been dealt with in an effective referee-process.
In a series of six papers describing the results of experiments with three human subjects, Gerdin concluded that several other incidents of misconduct had occurred:
To describe a clinical result after five months without conducting any examination of the patient at this point in time is significant; it is inconsistent with accepted scientific practice and therefore qualifies as misconduct (Paper 1).
To explicitly state that an ethical permit exists despite the absence of one is a false claim that affects the reliability of the research; this is a serious departure from accepted scientific practice and therefore qualifies as misconduct (Paper 1) .
To refer to paper 1 and make out that it accounts for a longer follow-up than actually was the case is false. This also applies to the actual description of the healing of the mucosa over the prosthesis, which in no way matches the accounts given in the medical records. In any case, it is an act of carelessness and a departure from accepted scientific practice and therefore qualifies as misconduct (Paper 2).
To describe the postoperative condition of a patient in such a way that leaves readers unable to make any other interpretation than that the postoperative conditions are good when in reality the patient has serious problems is to deliberately dress up the results. This is inconsistent with accepted scientific practice and therefore qualifies as misconduct, regardless of the fact that the paper’s main purpose is not purely clinical (Paper 3).
To state that the circumstances 12 months after the operation were good despite the patient being in an extremely serious clinical condition and to claim by way of excuse that no check was made of the patient’s status in the hospital records is significant; it is inconsistent with accepted scientific practice and therefore qualifies as misconduct (Paper 4).
To omit to mention that one of the reported patients had to undergo a new operation because of material failure was an active withholding of information and a dressing-up of the results. Such withholding of information is inconsistent with accepted scientific practice and therefore qualifies as misconduct (Paper 5).
To selectively describe certain minor postoperative problems while omitting the really major problems that led to the operated patient’s death is a false embellishment of the results. This constitutes active withholding of information, which is inconsistent with accepted scientific practice and therefore qualifies as misconduct (Paper 6).
According to a statement released May 27 by Karolinska Institutet, all co-authors of the papers Gerdin investigated have two weeks to respond. After that, the vice-chancellor will reach an official decision.
Macchiarini declined to comment when Retraction Watch asked him to respond to the report, but said he may once the vice-chancellor renders an official verdict.
This is one of two reviews commissioned by the Karolinska. The other cleared him of different misconduct allegations brought by Pierre Delaere. An investigation in Italy has also cleared him of most charges.
再生医学 科学家用病人自身细胞订做器官 HENRY FOUNTAIN 2012年10月15日
斯德哥尔摩——安德马里亚姆·贝耶恩(Andemariam Beyen)坐在医院的窗户旁,低斜的极地阳光照映着他的脸,他开始述说那段以为自己就要死去的时光。
· 查看大图
Stefan Zimmerman
斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡医学院的伊琳娜·吉利维奇(Irina Gilevich)正在塑形体气管上涂抹大鼠骨髓细胞。随后塑形体将放在营养液中,置入生物反应器中旋转,让细胞融为一体。
Karolinska University Hospital/Reuters
Stefan Zimmerman
但是卡罗林斯卡医学院(Karolinska Institute)的保罗·马基亚里尼(Paolo Macchiarini)医生有一个根治该病的想法。他希望通过塑型体和患者自己的细胞给贝耶恩先生构建一个新的气管。
到目前为止,科学家只能构建并移植少数几种器官,即相对简单的空腔脏器,例如膀胱和贝耶恩的气管。2011年6月,人造气管植入了贝耶恩的体内。全世界的科学家希望通过类似的技术制造更多更复杂的器官。北卡罗来纳州的维克森林大学(Wake Forest University)是人造膀胱的发源地,那里的研究者们正为人造肾脏、肝脏和其他器官而努力。中国和荷兰的一些实验室也在众多研究人造血管的机构之列。
“27年来,我越来越坚信这样做是可行的。”麻省总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital)组织工程与器官制造实验室主任、行业先驱约瑟夫·P·瓦坎(Joseph P. Vacanti)医生说道。
这就是马基亚里尼医生实验室的研究员菲利普·荣格布鲁斯 (Philipp Jungebluth)做了以下工作的原因:他将一只心脏和一对肺脏装在了工作台的一只玻璃瓶中,并且连接上另一个装有清洗剂样液体的玻璃瓶。当清洗剂流过这些从实验鼠身上取出来的器官,带走其中有活性的细胞时,器官逐渐变得苍白。三天后细胞消失了,剩下一团闪亮的组织保有了器官的基本形状。
贝耶恩的合成支架复合体由伦敦大学学院(University College London)的科学家们构建的,利用他自己的气管作为模板。这是一个为其胸廓“量身定制”的高分子材料工程的精细作品。
去年11月,也就是贝耶恩先生手术后五个月,马基亚里尼医生在另一个肿瘤病人克里斯托弗·莱尔斯(Christopher Lyles)体内植入了一个人造气管。他使用了一个改良的由更细的纤维组成的塑料支架复合体。莱尔斯在今年一月回到了美国马里兰州,三月份去世。他的家属并没有公布死因,但是马基亚里尼说移植物一直工作正常。
(2009-02-05 00:48:27) http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_502041670100bywe.html
茉莉花儿 2009年2月3日 09:43
茉莉花儿 2009年1月31日 12:40
Doctors transplant windpipe with stem cells
By MARIA CHENG, AP Medical Writer Maria Cheng, Ap Medical Writer – 2 hrs 19 mins ago
AP – In this image released by the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona on Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2008, a patient's collapsed …
LONDON –Doctors have given a woman a new windpipe with tissue grown from her own stem cells, eliminating the need for anti-rejection drugs. "This technique has great promise," said Dr. Eric Genden, who did a similar transplant in 2005 at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. That operation used both donor and recipient tissue. Only a handful of windpipe, or trachea, transplants have ever been done.
If successful, the procedure could become a new standard of treatment, said Genden, who was not involved in the research.
The results were published online Wednesday in the medical journal, The Lancet.
The transplant was given to Claudia Castillo, a 30-year-old Colombian mother of two living in Barcelona, suffered from tuberculosis for years. After a severe collapse of her left lung in March, Castillo needed regular hospital visits to clear her airways and was unable to take care of her children.
Doctors initially thought the only solution was to remove the entire left lung. But Dr. Paolo Macchiarini, head of thoracic surgery at Barcelona's Hospital Clinic, proposed a windpipe transplant instead.
Once doctors had a donor windpipe, scientists at Italy's University of Padua stripped off all its cells, leaving only a tube of connective tissue.
Meanwhile, doctors at the University of Bristol took a sample of Castillo's bone marrow from her hip. They used the bone marrow's stem cells to create millions of cartilage and tissue cells to cover and line the windpipe.
Experts at the University of Milan then used a device to put the new cartilage and tissue onto the windpipe. The new windpipe was transplanted into Castillo in June.
"They have created a functional, biological structure that can't be rejected," said Dr. Allan Kirk of the American Society of Transplantation. "It's an important advance, but constructing an entire organ is still a long way off."。。。。。。
如不信这新闻报道的“准确”,可看论文的原文(Lancet 372:2023-30, 2008)。但限于知识产权约束,我不能公示论文的全文,不过看其摘要也能说明问题(关键部分加粗以便辩明真像)。
Lancet. 2008 Dec 13;372(9655):2023-30. Epub 2008 Nov 18.
Clinical transplantation of a
tissue-engineered airway.
Macchiarini P, Jungebluth P, Go T, Asnaghi MA, Rees LE, Cogan TA, Dodson A, Martorell J,Bellini S, Parnigotto PP, Dickinson SC, Hollander AP, Mantero S, Conconi MT, Birchall MA.
Department of General Thoracic Surgery, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain.
BACKGROUND: The loss of a normal airway is devastating. Attempts to replace
large airways have met with serious problems. Prerequisites for a
tissue-engineered replacement are a suitable matrix, cells, ideal mechanical
properties, and the absence of antigenicity. We aimed to bioengineer tubular
tracheal matrices, using a tissue-engineering protocol, and to assess the
application of this technology in a patient with end-stage airway disease.
METHODS: We removed cells and MHC antigens from a human donor trachea, which was then readilycolonised by epithelial cells and mesenchymal stem-cell-derived chondrocytes that had been cultured from cells taken from the recipient (a 30-year old woman with end-stage bronchomalacia). This graft was then used to replace the recipient's left main bronchus.
FINDINGS: The graft immediately provided the recipient with a functional airway, improved her quality of life, and had a normal appearance and mechanical properties at 4 months. The patient had no anti-donor antibodies and was not on immunosuppressive drugs.
INTERPRETATION: The results show that we can produce a cellular, tissue-engineered airway with mechanical properties that allow normal functioning, and which is free from the risks of rejection. The findings suggest that autologous cells combined with appropriate biomaterials might provide successful treatment for patients with serious clinical disorders.
兰达尔的辞职是因为最近卡罗林斯卡学院一个学术丑闻间接造成,今年1月瑞典SVT电视台曝光一个Macchiarini进行的临床试验结果的纪录片,资料披露8例人工气管移植手术6例已经死亡,而这些手术被Macchiarini写进论文声称获得成功。这部纪录片还怀疑卡罗林斯卡学院对Macchiarini的调查存在问题。2014年指控Macchiarini 的4名医生受到不公正待遇。在大学外部委托调查发现Macchiarini有罪情况下,卡罗林斯卡学院副院长Anders Hamsten竟然宣布排除对Macchiarini的学术不端指控。
GMT+8, 2019-1-31 20:31