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热度 10已有 1938 次阅读2015-10-7 10:43 |个人分类:辩论争鸣|系统分类:学术打假| 诺奖







为此,我阅读了应当是非常严谨的顶级科学杂志 ---《科学》的一些报道。


Updated: Nobel Prize honors drugs that fight roundworms, malaria

该新闻特别提到:“Tu won the Lasker Award in 2011 for her work on artemisinin—the first Chinese scientist to get that award. But many scientists in China were outraged that she was singled out; they argued that the discovery was a mass effort involving thousands of researchers and that credit should not be Tu’s alone. 并且说:“Historians say that Tu entered the research project later than other researchers”。(这些话的大意是:屠呦呦得拉斯克奖时就引发众怒,因为一个有几千人参与的工作竟被屠呦呦一个人得到荣誉,而且屠呦呦还是后来财经研究计划的。)




Lasker Award Rekindles Debate Over Artemisinin's Discovery

该文引用一些人的观点认为“more than one person deserves to be cited for the achievement”(应当不止一人该得此成就的荣誉).

而饶毅就是这些人的代表,这点可从该文多次出现饶毅(Rao Yi)的名字和大段引用他的话为证:

Rao Yi, a neuroscientist at Peking University in Beijing, takes a more nuanced stand in support of Tu. Rao and his colleagues say they have seen a much larger set of classified and internal documents archived at institutions that were involved in artemisinin research and interviewed many of the major players. Rao says, "Although we agree with Miller and Su that Youyou should be recognized as a representative, we find they went too far in reaching conclusions that are not supported by available sources and in attributing credits based on claims that are at least controversial if not wrong." Rao included some of their findings in an article he posted online. He says: "Our article is very specific about clarifying the role of Tu Youyou, and we came to the conclusion that Tu is a representative of the project. We clearly mentioned others such as [contemporary artemisinin researchers] Yu Yagang and Zhong Yurong. We did note that the roles of others need to be further studied and established."”(该段的大意就是饶毅不同意米勒和苏的看法,认为他们的结论没有根据,荣誉的分配是建立在错误或至少有争议的基础上。而饶毅的发现是其他人有重要贡献,屠呦呦顶多是个代表。)

According to research by Rao's group, Yu Yagang, who worked at the same institute as Tu, analyzed a 1965 compilation of traditional remedies for malaria statistically and found qinghao (green-blue wormwood) was one of the ingredients used most often. Yu then worked with another researcher from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences to test a crude extract of qinghao on a rodent model of malaria, finding that the extract killed parasites with 60% to 80% potency. Yu reported the results to Tu, the group leader. Yu soon was reassigned to an even larger effort—searching for a treatment for bronchitis, from which Mao suffered. Tu then asked others in the group to repeat Yu's experiment, but they couldn't obtain extracts with consistent potency. (该段的大意就更“邪门”,因为它基本上把屠呦呦描绘成了一个抢夺他人成果的学术不端分子。而且自己手下的人还并未成功地重复前人的实验。)

该文最后说,“Because the Lasker Award is often seen as a precursor to the Nobel Prize, the Chinese media are abuzz with anticipation. But some worry that the disagreement over credit might give the Nobel committee pause. Rao says that if he had to choose three scientists—the limit for the Nobel—then he would pick either Yu Yagang, Tu Youyou, and Zhong Yurong for the discovery of artemisinin; or Tu Youyou, Luo Zeyuan, and Li Ying for the early work on artemisinin that led to the drug therapy.

大家看明白了吗?饶毅自始至终都是在认为不应该是屠呦呦一个人被单独突出出来得任何奖,在饶毅不知情的情况下屠呦呦一人得了拉斯克奖就算屠呦呦已经占了个大便宜,因此才有饶毅愤青般地出来鸣不平,而如果饶毅真有资格推荐诺奖候选人,他推荐的第一组合是:Yu Yagang, Tu Youyou, and Zhong Yurong for the discovery of artemisinin









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回复 盐油薪声 2015-10-7 20:18
回复 ChemiAndy 2015-10-8 01:49
回复 求真留实 2015-10-8 06:49
ChemiAndy: 饶毅基于自己的科学史研究,对一个科学工作者的是非功过进行评价,并非“诋毁”
回复 求真留实 2015-10-8 06:51
回复 Jingangyuxiang 2015-10-8 08:08
回复 Jingangyuxiang 2015-10-8 08:10
回复 方锦清 2015-10-9 11:22
回复 爱因斯坦 2015-10-9 15:47
回复 求真留实 2015-10-9 16:30
爱因斯坦: 饶一和方舟子都是严肃思考后发表言论的,请认真读、想,别随便激动。真正的学者不会冲动。
回复 ymaccn 2015-10-11 00:25
我的印象中过去饶对屠的成就不以为然,反而挖苦讽喻居多。 这次又冒出是他力荐的,其用意我只能以我的小人之心揣摩。
回复 cobra 2015-11-25 18:57
回复 cobra 2015-11-28 10:59
http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2926299-939270.html  此文来自科学网鞠强博客,转载请注明出处。

             [5]BigKing  2015-11-28 10:28    贼喊捉贼呀,名单上的这些人不正是不学无术,全靠现行体制才有今天的崇高地位?都是现行体制的最大既得利益者和拥护者?间接压制屠呦呦的帮凶。现在屠呦呦得诺贝尔奖了,就又翻脸来吃屠呦呦了,真是有权能通吃
回复 求真留实 2015-11-28 13:22
不知那本书里是否重温了饶毅的这些话:“According to research by Rao's group, Yu Yagang, who worked at the same institute as Tu, analyzed a 1965 compilation of traditional remedies for malaria statistically and found qinghao (green-blue wormwood) was one of the ingredients used most often. Yu then worked with another researcher from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences to test a crude extract of qinghao on a rodent model of malaria, finding that the extract killed parasites with 60% to 80% potency. Yu reported the results to Tu, the group leader. Yu soon was reassigned to an even larger effort—searching for a treatment for bronchitis, from which Mao suffered. Tu then asked others in the group to repeat Yu's experiment, but they couldn't obtain extracts with consistent potency. ”


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