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分享 转载:2015年10大科技突破
《MIT科技评论》:2015年10大科技突破 2015-11-22 《MIT科技评论》 合伙圈 《麻省理工科技评论》 称,并非所有科技突破都生来平等。一些技术更具实用性,而另一些则将推动更大范围的创新。我们需要估计,这样的创新将于何时来临。 《麻省理工科技评论》 列举了2015年的10大科技突破,而 ...
2015-12-1 08:36 | 个人分类: 科学新闻|450 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 科学要闻: 羽毛如何在冷水里保温,锂硫电池的唯一许可给了固态电力公司, 打喷嚏的学 ...
Science News 鸟类羽毛在冷水里如何保温? How Does Fur Keep Animals Warm in Cold Water? Rather than relying on a thick layer of body fat for insulation as many aquatic mammals do, some seabirds and semiaquatic mammals such as fur seals and otters trap a layer of air in their feathers and ...
2015-11-24 07:34 | 个人分类: 科学新闻|460 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 科学要闻: 鞋盒大小的粒子加速器, 用Wi-Fi给器件供电, 大脑如何形成新想法? ...
Science News 椰子油能抑制肠道真菌性病原菌的生长 Study in Mice Suggests Coconut Oil Can Control Overgrowth of a Fungal Pathogen in GI Tract A new study from researchers at Tufts University found that coconut oil controlled the overgrowth of a fungal pathogen called Candida albicans in ...
2015-11-21 03:29 | 个人分类: 科学新闻|412 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 医学要闻: 鸽子有和人一样的辨别能力, 小孩为什么也生癌症? 狗鼻子灵的科学依据 ...
Medical News 阿司匹林在防癌方面的新作用机理 Possible New Mechanism for Aspirin’s Role in Cancer Prevention In a study published in the journal of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention, Cornelia Ulrich from Huntsman Cancer Institute and her collaborators used a new technique ...
2015-11-21 03:19 | 个人分类: 科学新闻|406 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 未来的材料
10大“未来派”材料 2015-11-17 材料馆 新材料在线 有些时候,一些超前的科学技术会让我们有一种错觉:未来已经提前到来。材料领域的这种现象尤其明显,新材料可以飞速提升其应用领域的发展速度。“特氟龙 ” ( Teflon )是个很好的先例,但不是唯一的一个 —— 这儿有 10 种曾 ...
2015-11-19 09:48 | 个人分类: 科学新闻|289 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 科学要闻:愚人金代替锂做电池非常环保, 吃甜食形成记忆控制饮食习惯, 干细胞培养常 ...
Science News 美国六个州调查带太阳能的房子卖得价钱高 T eam of Appraisers Across Six States Find Home Buyers Will Pay Premium for Solar Homes Photovoltaics added value to homes in six markets, according to a new report led by a Berkeley Lab researcher and a home appraisal expert ...
2015-11-16 09:14 | 个人分类: 科学新闻|463 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 科学要闻: 孔状液态诞生, 海洋生物对全球变暖最敏感, 小孩大脑发育靠体育 ...
Science News 鲨鱼的扑杀能力因气候变化而遭破坏 Sharks’ Hunting Ability Destroyed Under Climate Change The hunting ability and growth of sharks will be dramatically impacted by increased CO2 levels and warmer oceans expected by the end of the century, a University of Adelaide study has ...
2015-11-14 06:42 | 个人分类: 科学新闻|390 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 科学要闻: 生物聚合物做囊泡储放氢燃料, 微波吸收提高雷达隐身效果, 洋葱样纳米结 ...
Science News 小行星被撕裂形成行星的发光环 Asteroid Ripped Apart to Form Star’s Glowing Ring System The sight of an asteroid being ripped apart by a dead star and forming a glowing debris ring has been captured in an image for the first time. Comprised of dust particles and debris, th ...
2015-11-12 10:22 | 个人分类: 科学新闻|343 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 科学要闻: 科学研究已经趋于保守不愿承担风险, 新电镜技术能描述原子水平的3维结构 ...
Science News 最新干细胞系能分化为成熟肾脏细胞而不会形成肿瘤 Novel Stem Cell Line Avoids Risk of Introducing Transplanted Tumors In a new study published November 10, 2015 in the online journal eLIFE, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine describe a new ...
2015-11-11 08:56 | 个人分类: 科学新闻|410 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 科学要闻: 超声检测细胞硬度助癌症发现, 反物质粘结力可测量,远古大灭绝新证据 ...
Science News 山雀唱歌声学的复杂度被破解 Researchers Reveal Acoustic Complexity of Chickadee Songs Researchers have found an alternative choice for songbird study: a small non-migratory songbird commonly found in North America known as the black-capped chickadee. Female black-capped chi ...
2015-11-6 11:02 | 个人分类: 科学新闻|524 次阅读|0 个评论

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