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分享 胡适之谈阶级斗争,李先念说上山下乡
水煮日报第305期:李先念总结上山下乡 原创 2016-01-31 天均子 水煮历史 1、 胡适 谈十月革命时称:“阶级斗争的方法,造成了一种不容忍,反自由的政治制度,我认为那是历史上的一件大不幸的事。这种反自由,不民主的政治制度是不好的,所以必须依靠暴力强力来维持他,结果是三十年很残忍的压迫与消灭反对党, ...
xilihutu | 2016-1-31 23:57 | 个人分类: 生活和社会学新闻|536 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 食品科学要闻: 剩饭剩菜如何正确食用?咖啡将来不再苦, 男人在女人面前吃得多有缘由 ...
Food Science Production Parasitic Fungi and the Battle Against Coffee Rust Disease Coffee rust has ravaged Latin American plantations for several years, leading to reductions in annual coffee production of up to 30 percent in some countries and threatening the livelihoods of ...
xilihutu | 2015-11-21 03:53 | 个人分类: 生活和社会学新闻|424 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 生活新知: 男性在女性面前吃得更多, 一粒葡萄干能测幼儿智力, 变性人的心理学, 如 ...
Lifestyle Social Sciences 美国超过50% 的小孩不解释父母的政治主张 More Than Half of ‘Children’ Misperceive or Reject Parents’ Political Party Affiliations A new study finds that more than half of all “children” in the U.S. either misperceive or reject their parents’ political ...
xilihutu | 2015-11-21 03:38 | 个人分类: 生活和社会学新闻|465 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 生活新知: 老板专制常常家庭不幸福,政府部门自我管制做不到, 防网络被攻击在于规范 ...
Lifestyle Social Sciences 鱼叉式网络攻击的防范之道在于规范网络使用者的习惯 Focusing on User Habits Key to Preventing Email Phishing, According to UB Research The cumulative number of successful phishing cyberattacks has risen sharply over the last decade, and in 2014 that figure surg ...
xilihutu | 2015-11-14 09:28 | 个人分类: 生活和社会学新闻|370 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 生活新知: 距离远时,爱情浪漫; 距离近时,爱意减少;产生和管理杰出人才的秘诀;声 ...
Lifestyle Social Sciences 声音是什么, 小孩来评判 Alan Alda’s 2016 ‘Flame Challenge”: What Is Sound? After reviewing hundreds of questions submitted by children from around the world, the 2016 Flame Challenge will ask the burning question, “What is sound?” The Alan Alda Center f ...
xilihutu | 2015-11-3 09:47 | 个人分类: 生活和社会学新闻|336 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 生活新知: 性别平等使男性生活得更好
Gender Equality Gives Men Better Lives Released: 26-Oct-2015 1:40 PM EDT Source Newsroom: KILDEN - Information Centre for Gender Research in Norway Newswise — 26 October 2015 KILDEN - Information Centre for Gender Rese ...
xilihutu | 2015-10-29 06:54 | 个人分类: 生活和社会学新闻|417 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 生活新知: 如何描述不可形容的感受和经验? 柏拉图如果活着如何看当代? 酒精和第一 ...
Lifestyle Social Sciences 如何描述不可描述的感觉和经验 Describing the Indescribable Mystical experiences are frequently labeled as indescribable or ineffable. However, new research suggests that when prompted, people who have had a mystical, spiritual or religious experience can desc ...
xilihutu | 2015-10-19 02:03 | 个人分类: 生活和社会学新闻|321 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 生活新知: 对Steve Jobs迷恋为了什么? 悲剧事件幸存者的罪恶感要进行精神治疗 ...
Lifestyle Social Sciences 悲剧事件的幸存者伴生的罪恶感需要精神病专科治疗 Survivor’s Guilt Often a Byproduct of Those Who Live Through Tragic Events UAB clinical psychologist says those who survived the Oregon mass shootings or other difficult events should engage with a team of ment ...
xilihutu | 2015-10-12 03:43 | 个人分类: 生活和社会学新闻|336 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 生活新知: 宗教吸引教徒因为能满足人类16种基本欲望, 电子产品能上瘾应该有警示标识 ...
Lifestyle Social Sciences 电子产品应该有警告标示,告诫可能上瘾和潜在副作用 Warning Labels Should Be Introduced to Prevent Digital Addiction Labels and messages could encourage responsible use of digital devices and raise awareness of potential side effects. – Bournemouth University ...
xilihutu | 2015-10-8 09:07 | 个人分类: 生活和社会学新闻|350 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
分享 全球抢购的中国人真的很富吗?
媒体:全球买买买!中国人其实是穷嘚瑟 2015年10月03日 02:19 来源: 青网 长假,不少人开始打算出国游顺便买买买,很多网站更是推波助澜地把12天假期全球扫货的购物清单都帮你拟好了,不少国家也早就简化签证手续以争取更多的中国人前来扫货,一时间真的让人感觉中国 ...
xilihutu | 2015-10-4 12:28 | 个人分类: 生活和社会学新闻|456 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2