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已有 142 次阅读2016-9-10 20:58 |系统分类:大学论坛

在"林炎平研究中心"举办的国际会议 "全球正义的新方向"上的讲演 (中英双语) ...








1. 政治正确不再确定


2. 殖民主义被激辩


3. 公众理性必不可少


4. 重圆是关键





The Speech on the Conference of

New Directions in Global Justice

Inaugural Conference of the Research Group on Global Justice

September 8 and 9, 2016 (Thurs-Fri)

McGill University

by Yan P. Lin


Ladies, gentlemen, professors and students,

Thank you for being here for this meaningful conference. Some of you came as far as Africa and Australia. Welcome to McGill!

This conference is about global justice, in terms of immigration, colonization and reconciliation.

They are great topics. They are also paradoxes. The one who supports immigration is usually against colonization. Are they the same thing? The one who wants reconciliation usually does not want to make concession on his part. Without concession, where is reconciliation?

It is even more urgent to discuss and understand these issues in the current circumstance. It is indeed an unusual period of modern time. What we have seen, is a world gone mad. The terrorist attacks on both sides of Atlantic Ocean and the political movements in all over the world are the symptoms of long ignored social diseases.

I have been reflecting the following 4 issues and hope you can provide some answers to them.

1. Political Correctness Is in Doubt 

Never before, is political correctness facing such criticism and skepticism. In academy, we cannot afford to ignore such challenges. Political incorrectness should be accommodated and encouraged in academy.

2. Colonialism Is Debated

I believe colonization and immigration are forever the topics, especially in today’s world. Even more if we know what Elon Musk is trying to do. He is planning to colonize Mars. I certainly encourage him but also am worried about him, because 500 years after his success, he could be criticized for his colonialism by all Martians for all the problems that they face then.

3. Public Reasoning Is Essential

Democracy is prevailing but political chaos are spreading. Without public reasoning, democracy might not do much good for us. The limit of democracy is rooted in one simple fact, which is that truth is usually not found out by voting. After Magellan sailed around world from 1519 to 1522, the world was proven scientifically round. But if we had held a referendum then, the earth would have still been flat - democratically flat. Dr. Fukuyama’s Political Order and Political Decay has difficulties to interpret why the same political structure that worked relatively smoothly before, suddenly does not work as well. It is the decay of public reasoning that is the cause.

4. Reconciliation Is the Key

I believe reconciliation is by far the greatest concept in human society. I spent many years to try to understand why this word could not be translated into a single Chinese word. I finally have to admit that there is no equivalent word in Chinese to express this concept, for some reasons I am still struggling to root. I believe there are many other languages that cannot translate this word easily. This is a concept that does not necessarily exist in all cultures and all nations. Yet it is a value that should be colonized into all cultures. It is an ultimate destination of human civilization.

Talking about reconciliation, I would recommend everyone to enjoy Beethoven’s 9th Symphony from this perspective. Its 4 movements demonstrate Personal struggle, Collective conflict, Deep reflection and Reconciliation of whole mankind.

I believe what you discuss here can shed some lights on the relatively dark period of our time and provide certain guidance to our societies.






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